Uddissanādhiṭṭhāna Gāthā
Verses for Dedicating Merit

Iminā puñña-kammena

Upajjhāyā guṇ’uttarā

By this act of merit, may my highly virtuous preceptors;

Ācariyūpakārā ca

Mātā pitā ca ñātakā piyā mamaṁ

teachers, benefactors, mother, father, & (my dear) relatives;

Suriyo candimā rājā

Guṇavantā narā-pi ca

the sun, the moon, the king; virtuous people;

Brahma-Mārā ca Indā ca

Loka-pālā ca devatā

Brahmas, Māras, & Indras; devas who are protectors of the cosmos;

Yamo mittā manus ca

Majjhattā verikā-pi ca:

Yama; human beings friendly, neutral, & hostile:

Sabbe sattā sukhī hontu

Puññāni pakatāni me

Sukhaṁ ca tividhaṁ dentu

Khippaṁ pāpetha vo mataṁ.

May all beings be happy. May the meritorious deeds done by me give threefold happiness (in this life, in future lives, & Liberation).

May you all quickly attain your wish.

Iminā puñña-kammena

Iminā uddisena ca

Through this act of merit, through this dedication,

Khippāhaṁ sulabhe c’eva


may I quickly & easily reach the cutting through of craving & clinging.

Ye santāne hinā dhammā

Yāva nibbānato mamaṁ

Nassantu sabbadā yeva

Yattha jāto bhave bhave.

As long as I am on the way to unbinding,

may any low qualities in my character be entirely destroyed,

wherever I am born in one state of becoming after another.

Uju-cittaṁ sati-paññā

Sallekkho viriyamhinā

May I have an upright mind, mindfulness, discernment, strictness, persistence,

Mārā labhantu n’okāsāṁ

Kātuñ-ca viriyesu me.

and through my efforts, may Māras have no chance to do anything to me.

Buddh’ādi-pavaro nātho

Dhammo nātho var’uttamo,

tho pacceka-buddho ca

Saṅgho nāthottaro mamaṁ.

The Buddha is my foremost mainstay,

the Dhamma my excellent, high mainstay,

a Private Buddha is my mainstay,

the Saṅgha my superior mainstay.


Mār’okāsaṁ labhantu mā.

Through their superior power, may Māras get no opportunity.

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Ākāsaṭṭhā ca bhummaṭṭhā

Ākāsaṭṭhā ca bhummaṭṭhā

Deva-nāgā mahiddhikā

Puññan-taṁ anumodantu

Cīraṁ rakkhantu buddha-sanaṁ

May devas & nagas of great power, standing in space and on land rejoice in this merit.

May they long protect the Buddha’s teachings.