This site offers an extensive collection of English translations of suttas from the Pāli Canon, as well as a multitude of free downloads of Dhamma from the Kammaṭṭhāna (or Thai Forest) Tradition of Buddhism. Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu of Metta Forest Monastery is the speaker, author or translator unless otherwise noted.
- New Essay
- Things as They Can Be, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. The role that the four noble truths and the three perceptions of inconstancy, stress, and not-self play in leading to awakening.
- posted Feb. 25
- January Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Feb. 11
- New Book
- Beyond Desire & Passion : The Buddha’s Training for Freedom is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. Ven. Sāriputta once proposed introducing the Buddha’s teachings to intelligent foreigners by saying, “Our teacher teaches the subduing of desire and passion.” This book explores the implications of taking this sentence as a starting point for understanding the Dhamma.
- posted Jan. 19
- 2 New Suttas
- Saṁyutta 22:25 Chanda-rāga Sutta, and Saṁyutta 22:26 Assāda Sutta.
- posted Jan. 15
- December Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Jan. 2
- 1 New Sutta
- Aṅguttara 4:53 Saṁvāsa Sutta | Ways of Living Together.
- posted Nov. 29
- November Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning. Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Ajaan Geoff) is traveling abroad until December 17th, so this is likely the last batch of audio Dhamma talks to be posted until his return.
- posted Nov. 16
- Milestone
- The Buddha’s Wisdom, given on November 7, 2024, is the 5,000th evening Dhamma talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu posted to dhammatalks.org.
- posted Nov. 10
- New Chant
- Metta Luang chant. A chant to aid in developing the sublime attitudes (brahmavihāras): limitless goodwill, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity.
- posted Nov. 7
- 2 New Suttas
- Aṅguttara 4:34 Pasāda Sutta, and Aṅguttara 4:52 Puññābhisanda Sutta.
- posted Nov. 6
- October Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Nov. 1
- New Essay
- The Desire for Awakening, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. On using desire, effort, and a sense of agency on the path.
- posted October 31
- New long Dhamma talk
- A new long Dhamma talk, given to the BuddhaDhamma Foundation on October 11, has been added to the lectures page.
- posted Oct. 22
- September Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Oct. 1
- Libro nuevo
- Nos alegra presentar Corazón Impertérrito - Las enseñanzas del Buda sobre la vejez, la enfermedad y la muerte (título original en inglés, ‘Undaunted’), por .
- publicado el 29 de septiembre
- August Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Sept. 2
- July Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted August 1
- Libro nuevo
- Nos alegra presentar El Budismo en la Vida Diaria : Desarrollando una buena mente y un buen corazón a través de la práctica de las diez perfecciones, por .
- publicado el 26 de julio
- New Book
- Facing Aging, Illness, & Death : The Central Teaching of the Buddha is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. A transcript of a retreat sponsored by Le Refuge in April, 2023.
- posted July 7
- June Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted July 1
- 6 New Suttas, 1 revised
- Saṁyutta 22:120 Saññojana Sutta, Saṁyutta 22:121 Upādāna Sutta (revised), Saṁyutta 22:139 Anicca Sutta, Saṁyutta 22:142 Dukkha Sutta, Saṁyutta 22:145 Anattā Sutta, Saṁyutta 35:109 Saññojana Sutta, and Saṁyutta 35:110 Upādāna Sutta.
- posted June 3
- May Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted June 1
- New Book
- Meditations 12 is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. Transcribed Dhamma talks on breath meditation and various aspects of the Buddhist Path given by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu during the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery primarily from 2022-2023.
- posted May 28
- 2 New Suttas
- Aṅguttara 6:29 Udāyin Sutta and Aṅguttara 6:38 Attakārin Sutta.
- posted May 22
- New Essay
- A Beam of Light that Doesn’t Land, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. On the question of consciousness in nibbāna.
- posted May 8
- New Essay
- Deep like the Ocean, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. On the question of whether a fully awakened being exists after death.
- posted May 8
- April Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted May 5
- Eine neue Übersetzung
- Eine Übersetzung des „Sublime Attitudes” ist jetzt vorhanden in Deutsch: Die erhabenen Haltungen des Geistes, ein Leitfaden zu den brahmavihāras.
- veröffentlicht am 22. April
- March Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Apr. 2
- New Book
- The Heart a Flowing Stream : Essays on the Buddhist Path is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. The ninth collection of essays by Thanissaro Bhikkhu: The Heart a Flowing Stream, Everywhere & Always, At War with the Dhamma, Free the Dhamma, Mindfulness to the Fore, Thinking about Jhāna, Fun & Games, Perception, Just Right as It Is, and Neither Here nor There.
- posted April 1
- Zwei neue Bücher
- Eine Übersetzung des „Along the Way” ist jetzt vorhanden in Deutsch: Auf dem Weg, eine Sammlung von Aufsätzen zum buddhistischen Pfad.
- Zusätzlich gibt es eine neue Übersetzung von Buddhistische Romantik.
- veröffentlicht am 23. März
- Nouveau livre
- Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer la parution du livre électronique Faire Face de Thānissaro Bhikkhu. Une série d’enseignements donnés lors d’une retraite en France sur le thème du vieillissement, de la maladie et de la mort.
- Publié le 18 mars
- February Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Feb. 6
- 8 New Suttas
- Theragāthā 2:17 Tissa Sutta, Theragāthā 2:19 Nanda Sutta, Theragāthā 2:42 Dhammapāla Sutta, Theragāthā 2:43 Brahmāli Sutta, Theragāthā 3:9 Satimattiya Sutta, Theragāthā 4:2 Bhagu Sutta, Theragāthā 4:4 Nandaka Sutta, and Saṁyutta 21:8 Nanda Sutta.
- posted February 4
- January Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Feb. 1
- New Essay
- Thinking about Jhāna, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. What is the role of thinking in relation to the practice of right concentration?
- posted Jan. 25
- New Essay
- Perception, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. On the meaning of the word, saññā, and on its importance in the practice.
- posted Jan. 9
- December Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Jan. 2
- New search function, and more
- The website has been upgraded with a new search function that can search keywords accross all content on the website. Thank you to all who tried it out and gave feedback.
- Other changes:
- The transcripts for the evening and morning talks are now available as webpages instead of pdfs. These can also be searched using the search function.
- The evening and morning dhammatalk audio archives have been split into multiple pages, separated by year. The "random talk" function still picks a random talk from the whole catalog, all years combined.
- Some user interface upgrades were made to the layout of the talk audio archives, making the buttons and links easier to click for mobile devices especially.
- posted Dec. 23
- November Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Nov. 30
- October Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Nov. 1
- Livro novo
- Alegra-nos apresentar Destemido, por . Este livro oferece lições tiradas do despertar do Buda que podem dar orientação sobre a melhor forma de lidar com os grandes problemas da vida: envelhecimento, doença, morte, luto e dar cuidados àqueles que estão doentes ou morrendo.
- publicado o 31 de outubro
- September Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Oct. 2
- New Essay
- Everywhere & Always : The Buddha’s Categorical Shoulds, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. The Buddha characterized only two of his teachings as categorical: true and beneficial everywhere and always. One was the four noble truths; the other was the principle that unskillful behavior should be abandoned, and skillful behavior should be developed. This essay explores the implications of the second of these two teachings.
- posted Sept. 29
- August Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Sept. 1
- 6 New Suttas
- Aṅguttara 3:104 Pubbe Sutta, Aṅguttara 3:105 Assāda Sutta, Aṅguttara 3:106 Assāda(2) Sutta, Aṅguttara 4:233 Vitthāra Sutta, Aṅguttara 4:235 Sikkhāpada Sutta, and Aṅguttara 4:238 Bojjhaṅga Sutta.
- posted August 13
- July Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted August 3
- 24 New Suttas
- Saṁyutta 1:8 Susammuṭṭha Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:17 Dukkara Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:21 Satti Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:36 Saddhā Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:59 Dutiya Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:62 Citta Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:63 Taṇhā Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:65 Bandhana Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:73 Vitta Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:5 Dāmali Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:8 Tāyana Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:23 Serī Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:25 Jantu Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:26 Rohitassa Sutta, Saṁyutta 3:2 Purisa Sutta, Saṁyutta 3:3 Rāja Sutta, Saṁyutta 4:1 Tapokamma Sutta, Saṁyutta 4:24 Sattavassa Sutta, Saṁyutta 4:25 Māradhītu Sutta, Saṁyutta 6:13 Andhakavinda Sutta, Saṁyutta 6:14 Aruṇavatī Sutta, Saṁyutta 9:3 Kassapa Gotta Sutta, Saṁyutta 9:4 Sambahula Sutta, and Saṁyutta 9:5 Ānanda Sutta,
- posted July 19
- 3 New Suttas
- Majjhima 17 Vanapattha Sutta, Majjhima 85 Bodhirājakumāra Sutta, and Majjhima 133 Mahā Kaccāna & the Auspicious Day Sutta.
- posted July 10
- June Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted July 1
- New Essay
- Free the Dhamma, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. How the principle of dhamma-dāna —a gift of Dhamma— applies to Dhamma books.
- posted June 27
- Livro novo
- Alegra-nos apresentar Presença Mental na Respiração e Eu e Não-eu, por . As palestras abordaram o tópico de Presença Mental na Respiração com base nos ensinamentos de dezesseis passos e o tópico de não-eu ou anattā.
- publicado o 16 de Junio
- New Essay
- Mindfulness to the Fore : The Meaning of Parimukhaṁ, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. The suttas’ instructions for getting into formal meditation say that you start by establishing mindfulness “parimukhaṁ.” This essay explores what that means.
- posted June 13
- New Essay
- Fun & Games : Psychic Powers in the Wilderness, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. How to handle the issue of the psychic powers that can come with meditation.
- posted June 13
- 2 New Suttas
- Saṁyutta 3:13 Doṇapāka Sutta and Aṅguttara 3:64 Venāga Sutta.
- posted June 9
- May Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted June 2
- New Essay
- Neither Here nor There, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. The Buddha’s strategies for inducing his listeners not to focus their desires at any location at all, whether in this world or any other.
- posted May 29
- New Study Guide
- Noble Conversation is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. A Study Guide on the ten ideal topics of conversation among meditators listed in the Pali Canon.
- posted May 4
- New Study Guide
- Desires is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. The path of practice that takes you to nibbāna is rooted in skillful desires.
- posted May 4
- April Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted April 19
- New Essay
- Just Right as It Is — The Teaching: All Phenomena Are Not-self, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. Applying one of the Buddha’s own principles for interpreting the suttas to his teaching on not-self.
- posted April 8
- March Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted March 31
- February Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted March 1
- January Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Jan. 31
- Libro nuevo
- Nos alegra presentar Un Puñado de Arena y La Luz del Discernimiento : Las Enseñanzas de Phra Ajaan Suwat Suvaco, por .
- publicado el 15 de enero
- New Book
- A Handbook for the Relief of Suffering : Three Essays by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. A Handbook for the Relief of Suffering consists of three short essays that were meant to be given to hospital patients as food for thought for them to ponder while undergoing treatment.
- posted January 13
- December Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Jan. 1
- New Book
- Four Noble Truths is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. An introduction to the Buddha’s central teaching, the four noble truths, explaining them in the context of the Buddha’s statements about truth in general, and as the context for all his other teachings.
- posted December 27
- November Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Dec. 7
- October Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Oct. 30
- September Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Oct. 1
- New Essay
- At War with the Dhamma, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. There is no way that a just-war theory could be in line with the Dhamma.
- posted Sept. 21
- August Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Sept. 2
- New Book
- Undaunted : The Buddha’s Teachings on Aging, Illness, Death, & the Deathless is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. How lessons drawn from the Buddha’s awakening can give guidance in how best to deal with the big problems of life: aging, illness, death, grief, and giving care to those who are sick or dying.
- posted August 26
- July Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Aug. 2
- New Essay
- The Heart a Flowing Stream: The Buddha on Ending the Āsavas, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. The three āsavas, or effluents, are tendencies that lead to rebirth. On the night of his awakening, the Buddha put an end to these tendencies in his heart for good. This essay discusses the approaches he recommended to his followers for ending their own effluents, and ways of motivating themselves to achieve that goal.
- posted July 15
- New Book
- Sublime Determinations is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. A transcript from a retreat held in conjunction with the Sociedade Vipassana de Meditação of Brasília on the topic of the four sublime attitudes (brahmavihāras): unlimited goodwill, unlimited compassion, unlimited empathetic joy, and unlimited equanimity.
- posted July 13
- June Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted June 25
- New Book
- Meditations 11 is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. Transcribed Dhamma talks on breath meditation and various aspects of the Buddhist Path given by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu during the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery primarily from 2020-2021.
- posted June 6
- May Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted June 1
- April Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted April 28
- March Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted April 1
- February Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted March 1
- January Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Feb. 2
- New Book
- Along the Way : Essays on the Buddhist Path is available in ebook formats and can be read online as well. The eighth collection of essays by Thanissaro Bhikkhu: Safety in a Duality, Dhamma Is What Dhamma Does, Becoming a True Person, Happiness as a Skill, Wise Enough to Care, An Arrow in the Heart, Meditators at Work, Unhindered at Death, Clinging & the End of Clinging, The Buddha’s Rx, The Logic of Not-self, and The Dhamma Eye.
- posted Jan 21
- Libro nuevo
- Nos alegra presentar El corazón inteligente: Cinco charlas de dharma, por . Una colección de charlas para conmemorar el centenario de Ajaan Suwat.
- publicado el 11 de enero
- December Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Dec. 31
- New Essay
- Dhamma Is What Dhamma Does : The Buddha as Strategist, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. The Dhamma can be recognized by the strategic attha, or purpose, that it serves.
- posted Dec. 25
- November Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Dec. 1
- Livro novo
- Alegra-nos apresentar Bom Coração, Boa Mente: A Prática das Dez Perfeições, por . Uma série de palestras dadas nos retiros do Brasil e da França sobre o tema das dez perfeições (pāramī).
- publicado o 25 de Novembro
- October Dhamma talks
- regular evening and short morning
- posted Nov. 1
- New Lecture
- Antidotes to Anger, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. The Buddha’s tools for dealing with anger.
- posted Oct. 26
- New Lecture
- Mindfulness of Breathing, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. Three talks on putting the Buddha’s sixteen-step instructions on breath meditation into practice.
- posted Oct. 26
All of the Dhamma here is offered freely―no price tags, no advertising, no suggested donations, no memberships, no strings attached in any way. This is distributing the Dhamma in line with the Dhamma, in line with how the Buddha himself taught that his teachings should be offered.
For those who want to express gratitude for the teachers’ generosity, the best way is to put the teachings into practice, earnestly―to see for yourself, for your own benefit, and for the benefit of the world.
Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) is an American Buddhist monk of the Kammatthana (Thai Forest) Tradition. After graduating from Oberlin College in 1971 with a degree in European Intellectual History, he traveled to Thailand, where he studied meditation under Ajaan Fuang Jotiko, himself a student of the late Ajaan Lee. He ordained in 1976 and lived at Wat Dhammasathit, where he remained following his teacher's death in 1986. In 1991 he traveled to the hills of San Diego County, USA, where he helped Ajaan Suwat Suvaco establish Metta Forest Monastery (Wat Mettavanaram). He was made abbot of the Monastery in 1993.
Kammatthana: Literally, “basis of work” or “place of work.” The term is most often used specifically to identify the Thai Forest Tradition, i.e., the forest tradition lineage founded by Phra Ajaans Mun and Sao. For an introduction to the history of the Kammatthana Tradition, see the essay “The Customs of the Noble Ones,” by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Ajaan Mun was born in 1870 in Baan Kham Bong, a farming village in Ubon Ratchathani province, northeastern Thailand. Ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1893, he spent the remainder of his life wandering through Thailand, Burma, and Laos, dwelling for the most part in the forest, engaged in the practice of meditation. He attracted an enormous following of students and, together with his teacher, Phra Ajaan Sao Kantasilo Mahathera (1861-1941), established the Kammatthana Tradition that subsequently spread throughout Thailand and to several countries abroad. He passed away in 1949 at Wat Suddhavasa, Sakon Nakhorn province.
Ajaan Lee was one of the foremost teachers in the Thai forest ascetic tradition of meditation founded at the turn of the century by his teacher, Phra Ajaan Mun Bhuridatto. His life was short but eventful. Known for his skill as a teacher and his mastery of supranatural powers, he was the first to bring the ascetic tradition out of the forests of the Mekhong basin and into the mainstream of Thai society in central Thailand.
Ajaan Fuang was one of Ajaan Lee’s most devoted students, spending some 24 rains retreats in the company of his renowned teacher. After Ajaan Lee’s death, Ajaan Fuang continued on at Wat Asokaram, Ajaan Lee’s bustling monastery near Bangkok. A true forest monk at heart, Ajaan Fuang left Wat Asokaram in 1965 in search of greater solitude more conducive to meditation, and ultimately ended up at Wat Dhammasathit in Rayong province, where he lived as abbot until his death in 1986.
Born on August 29, 1919, Ajaan Suwat ordained at the age of 20 and became a student of Ajaan Funn Acaro two or three years later. He also studied briefly with Ajaan Mun. Following Ajaan Funn’s death in 1977, Ajaan Suwat stayed on at the monastery to supervise his teacher’s royal funeral and the construction of a monument and museum in Ajaan Funn’s honor. In the 1980’s Ajaan Suwat came to the United States, where he established four monasteries: one near Seattle, Washington; two near Los Angeles; and one in the hills of San Diego County (Metta Forest Monastery). He returned to Thailand in 1996, and died in Buriram on April 5, 2002 after a long illness.
The best introductions to the Dhamma are The Buddha’s Teachings, a short introduction to the basic concepts and values underlying Buddhist practice; Noble Strategy, a collection of essays about Buddhism by Thanissaro Bhikkhu; Awareness Itself, a collection of short teachings by Ajaan Fuang, Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s teacher; and Refuge, a compilation of essays and scriptures from the Pali Canon addressing basic elements of the Buddhist Path.
The best starting point for learning breath meditation is the new book, With Each & Every Breath. The other fundamental guide to breath meditation is Keeping the Breath in Mind by Ajaan Lee.
The Dhammapada, the Udana, and the Itivuttaka are all excellent gateways to the Pali Canon.
Not for beginners, but the essential guide to practicing the Buddhist Path, following the Buddha’s own summary of his teachings, is The Wings to Awakening.
The Basics collection is a graduated series of 10-15 minute Dhamma talks addressing many areas of the practice. Any of the Dhamma talks can be played initially during meditation to provide guidance and ideas for experimentation. Alternatively, the Guided Meditations collection provides a few variations of a longer guided meditation providing more structure.
Some people have downloading problems with the large .zip archives. Internet connections are often interrupted, and the download managers in web browsers are bad at resuming downloads. The download either fails, or it “completes” but is corrupted. If you're internet connection is bad, it’s recommended to use a download accelerator. These do a much better job at resuming interrupted downloads and leaving you with uncorrupted files. Some of these download accelerators are available as extensions to your web browser. Others are stand alone applications. An excellent free one that works on Windows, Android, and Linux is Uget.
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The pdf format is the old standard and should be supported by all devices. The primary disadvantage of pdfs relative to epub, azw3 and mobi, however, is you cannot enlarge the font size without the text overflowing off the edge of the screen. That can make it quite challenging to read on small devices. Additionally, with the large ebooks, ones with 1,000 or 2,000 pages, your device might freeze or struggle to scroll through the pdf. Because of the way they’re constructed, that won’t happen with the other ebook formats.
Epub. The epubs have the intended fonts and formatting because of the capabilities of the epub format itself and because the ebooks from this website were created originally as epubs. The mobis, on the other hand, are just push-button conversions from the epubs using the Calibre application. While the mobis are fully functional, no additional effort is put into correcting their formatting for the Kindle. It’s a credit to Calibre that they come out looking as well as they do. The original formatting and fonts are available on a Kindle by using the azw3 format, which is almost identical to the original epub version.
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Because hard drive space is expensive on a hosted web server, it was costly to store those large archives for the downloading convenience of a small number of users. It shouldn’t be too difficult to build a local collection by downloading the full month zip archives. In any case, there are advantages, since there is a much smaller chance of ending up with a corrupt file downloading ten 150 MB archives than a single 1.5 GB one.
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Bhikkhu, Thanissaro. Head & Heart Together, 9 Jan 2018. dhammatalks.org. Retrieved from https://
Bhikkhu, Thanissaro. “The Joy of Effort.” Head & Heart Together, 9 Jan 2018. dhammatalks.org. Retrieved from https://
Bhikkhu, Thanissaro. Head & Heart Together. Valley Center, CA: Metta Forest Monastery, 2016. Epub Edition. dhammatalks.org. Retrieved from https://dhammatalks.org/Archive/Writings/Ebooks/HeadHeartTogether180109.epub.
Bhikkhu, Thanissaro. “Names for Nibbana.” dhammatalks.org, 2018. Retrieved from https://
Madhupindika Sutta [The Ball of Honey] Majjhima Nikaya 18. (Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu). dhammatalks.org. Retrieved from https://
Ajaan Fuang Jotiko. Awareness Itself: The Teachings of Ajaan Fuang Jotiko (Translated from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu). 7 April 2018. dhammatalks.org. Retrieved from https://
Bhikkhu, Thanissaro. “Feeding Off the Future,” 19 Nov 2013. Evening Dhamma Talks on dhammatalks.org. Audio retrieved from https://
Bhikkhu, Thanissaro. “Feeding Off the Future.” Youtube, uploaded by Dhamma Talks by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, 17 June 2014, https://
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Metta Forest Monastery (Wat Metta) has some useful information for day and overnight visitors to the Monastery, including maps, directions from the airport, transportation information, etiquette, the daily schedule, a calendar of uposatha days, as well as some photos from around the Monastery.
Forest Dhamma provides free publications of the Dhamma talks and books of Ajaan Mahā Boowa and his disciples. The translations are either by Ajaan Paññavaddho, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, or Bhikkhu Silaratano (Ajaan Dick). Also there is information regarding Forest Dhamma’s monastery, in the tradition of Ajaan Mun and Ajaan Mahā Boowa, on a parcel of forest in rural Virginia, USA.
TheravadaCN.org has Chinese translations of many of the Theravada writings from this website and Access to Insight.